Hello! And welcome to MicheBeatuy63!
For starters let's go over the basics, my name is Haley and at the moment I am a senior in college. I have no idea what I want to do with my life at the moment, so I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants, hoping to stumble across something I love and can put my heart into.
So let's talk about the blog. The focus of this blog is everything beauty related. When I say beauty I don't mean just physical, outer beauty; I believe that beauty is something that comes from within and that every person is beautiful in their own unique way. So what does that mean? Good question. While a lot of the posts will focus on make-up (tips, tricks, tutorials, reviews, recommendations etc.), there will also be times when I'll create wellness posts on how to stay happy and healthy both physically and mentally. These are all things that are important to me and that I have learned a lot about in the last few years of my life and I want to share them. I'm also going to add the disclaimer that I am no professional, these are just things I have found that work, products I like, and things that make me happy.
So why am I starting this blog? First and foremost, I love make-up. A lot. I love doing my own and other people's make-up, I like reading and writing about it and in general just love it. More than than though, as I've moved through the last few years of my life I've come to realize I want to create something that is mine and that I am passionate about and that I can be proud of and mostly that I can call my own. So I figured, why not take something I love, make-up, and turn it into something more meaningful? So now I find myself here.
Enough chit chat though!! I hope to post once a week to start and probably more frequently as time goes on! I also have a youtube channel and a twitter (both of which I'll link to at the end of this post and you can find in the sidebar on the home page) so you can watch video tutorials and keep up with my day to day thoughts on all things beauty! I hope you all enjoy this new adventure with me and I can't wait to share this journey with all of you!
Much Love!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MicheBeauty63
youtube: MicheBeauty63
Bloglovin: <a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/11900325/?claim=4j2j4km2kny">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
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